Tickets and Special Cards Earned:
= 211 = 2
The Locomotives - You have purchased:

Rail Yard - Railway cars you have purchased:
Train(s) Route: Train(s) In Transit:

July 31, 2020 - Destination in Progress: San Francisco CA to Miami, FL - SOS NTC - 6 of 20

August 5, 2020 - Destination in Progress: Nashville, TN to New Orleans LA - Making Bacon NT - 4 of 5

Starting City: ST Louis, MO Sept. 6 2020

Starting City:Miami to Orlando Sept. 6th 2020
Train(s) Completed - Cannot steal from these below:

June 17, 2020 - Destination Complete: Raleigh NC to Greensboro NC July 26, 202- Mysterious Queens NTC - 2 of 2

July 11, 2020 - Destination Complete july 27,2020: New York NY to Nashville TN - Queen of 2's NTC - 5 of 5

July 24, 2020 - Destination Completed on August 4, 2020: San Francisco CA to Portland OR - Hits NT - 6 of 6

July 30, 2020 - Destination Completed on August 7, 2020: Chicago IL TO St. Louis - Faceless NTC - 6 of 6

August 7, 2020 - Destination complete on Sept 10, 2020: Albuquerque, NM to St. Louis MO - AK47 NTC - 6 of 6